fMRI oriented programs


generate mask of voxels defined over all frames

Usage: compute_defined_4dfp <4dfp|conc input>



count zero voxels as undefined (default defined)


specify frames-to-count format (default count all)


read frames-to-count format from specified file


Converts cosine and sine amplitude images to amplitude and phase. Primarily used for phase-encoded retinotopy.

Usage: cs2ap_4dfp <(4dfp) cos_img> <(4dfp) sin_img> <(4dfp) outroot>



specify amplitude threshold for phase map (default = 0.0000)


specify pre-blur FWHM in mm (default = 0.0000)


output big or little endian (default input endian)


scale to achieve mode 1000

Usage: normalize_4dfp <(4dfp) image>


normalize_4dfp -n3 my_run_4dfp
normalize_4dfp -n3 -v2 my_run_4dfp



specify number of pre-functional frames


no frame to frame intensity stabilization


volume based frame to frame intensity stabilization (default)


slice based frame to frame intensity stabilization


disable mode=1000 normalization


subtract mean volume from functional frames


create <image>.hist file suitable for plotting, e.g., with xmgr


specify trailer (default=”norm”)


read specified 4dfp mask (default blur & threshold input image)


output big or little endian (default input endian)


correct systematic odd vs. even slice intensity banding

Usage: deband_4dfp <(4dfp) image>


deband_4dfp -n3 mybold
deband_4dfp -F"3x125+" mybold



deband by exponential gradient model (default flat model)


deband by linear gradient model (default flat model)


specify number of pre-functional frames


specify complete functional/non-functional format


output big or little endian (default input endian)


remove artifact due to k-space DC offset [1]

Usage: rmspike_4dfp <file_4dfp>


rmspike_4dfp -n3 -x33 test_b1.4dfp.img
rmspike_4dfp -x33 -F"45(1x6+)" test_b1



specify number of anatomy frames


restrict search to specified column


restrict search to specified row


specify whole run functional/non-functional format


output big or little endian (default input endian)


motion correct fMRI timeseries within and across runs

Usage: cross_realign3d_4dfp -l<4dfp_list_file>
or: cross_realign3d_4dfp <run1_4dfp> <run2_4dfp> …


cross_realign3d_4dfp run1_4dfp run2_4dfp run3_4dfp
cross_realign3d_4dfp -sqwv -lruns_4dfp.lst
cross_realign3d_4dfp -pwqsf -n3 -lruns_4dfp.lst



debug mode


output big or little endian (default CPU endian)


force recomputing even if output files exist


enable linear intensity gradient compensation


use cross-modal registration always


specify list file of 4dfp filenames


specify 4dfp mask to be applied to all runs (default compute)


specify number of pre-functional frames


specify pre-blur in reciprocal mm (default=0.06)


2D (planar) realignment (default 3D)


minimize status reporting


specify non-default reference frame


enable stretch


disable/enable per frame intensity normalization (default disabled)


enable wrap addressing


output undefined voxels as 0.0 (default 1.0e-37)


disable resampling


motion correct and resample in atlas space in one step

Usage: t4_xr3d_4dfp [options] <t4file> <input_4dfp_stack>


t4_xr3d_4dfp -aatl anat_ave_to_711-2B_t4 b1_rmsp_dbnd



specify outfile name trailer (default = “xr3d”)


scale output by specified factor


output undefined voxels as NaN


output undefined voxels as 0


output undefined voxels as 1.e-37 (default)


set per frame intensity equalization mode (default = OFF)


output big or little endian (default input endian)


fast (linear interpolation resample instead of 3D cubic spline)


echo mat file to stdout frame by frame (verbose mode)


output in 111 space


output in 222 space


output in 333.n space (y shifted up by n pixels)


output image dimensions according to <str>.4dfp.ifh

N.B.: default output format = 333.0


convert cross_realign3d_4dfp mat files to spread sheet format Usage: mat2dat <mat_file>


mat2dat atten5_b1_rms4_dbnd_xr3d[.mat]



save trajectory as 4dfp


save trajectory relative to run mean (remove accumulated movememnt)


save differentiated trajectory


write local (in $cwd) (default write parallel to <mat_file>)


specify number of pre steady state frames (default=0)


lowpass filter (< 0.1 Hz) specified motion parameter (counting from 1)


specify TR_vol in sec (required only with option -l)


specify head radius in mm for total motion computation (default=50mm)


specify frames to count format, e.g., “4x120+4x76+”

N.B.: -f option overrides -n


correct asynchronous slice acquisition

Usage: frame_align_4dfp <(4dfp) input> <frames_to_skip> [options]


frame_align_4dfp bold_run.4dfp.img 4 -TR_vol 2.5 -TR_slc .136 -d 1
frame_align_4dfp bold_run.4dfp.img 4 -TR_vol 2.5 -TR_slc .136 -seqstr 1,8,5,2,9,6,3,10,7,4



enable interleaved order 2,4,6,…,1,3,5,… for even total slice counts


specify sequential slice acquisition (default interleaved)

-d <0|1>

specify slice acquisition direction (0:Inf->Sup; 1:Sup->Inf) (default=0)

-m <int>

specify multi-band factor) (default=1)

-seqstr <str>

specify [MB] slice sequence (counting from 1) as a comma-separated (no spaces) integer string

-TR_vol <flt>

specify frame TR in sec (default=2.36)

-TR_slc <flt>

specify slice TR in sec (default=TR_vol/nslice)

N.B.: space between option and value


correct asynchronous slice acquisition and resample in time

Usage: interp_4dfp <(4dfp) image> <TR_vol_in> <TR_slice_in> <TR_vol_out>


interp_4dfp bold_run[.4dfp[.img]] 2.25 .136 2.5



specify slice acquisition direction (0:Inf->Sup; 1:Sup->Inf) (default=1)


output big or little endian (default input endian)

N.B.: if <TR_slice_in> is input as 0 slices are spaced evenly on TR_vol


optimally distribute n events on m frames

Usage: jitter <(int) nevent> <(int) nframe> <(flt) tr_vol>


jitter 20 100 2.0 -s4



specify randomization seed (default=0)


add specified number of skip frames to output event series (default=0)


specify max interval in sec (t_max; default=30.00) (ignored when -F specfied)


specify min interval in sec (t_min; default=tr_vol)


output named fidl-type event file


verbose mode


use flat distribution of delay intervals (default Poisson process)

N.B: nevent must be at least 3
N.B: first event is ALWAYS on frame skip; last event is ALWAYS on frame skip + nframe, duration = Inf; fMRI run should include additional frames at end