
motion compensation for dwi data (single run)

Usage: dwi_xalign3d_4dfp <(4dfp) dwi> <(4dfp) mask>


dwi_xalign3d_4dfp hbo08a_dwi1 hbo08a_dwi1_mskt -s -g2-4 -g5,13,18,23



planar (2D; disable cross-slice) alignment


enable wrap addressing


enable cross DWI voxel size adjust (principal axis stretch)


compute group arithmeric mean volume (default geometric mean)


zero negative values in output image


specify volume number of I0 counting from 1 (default 1)


specify pre-blur filter half freq (1/mm) (default none)


specify sampling interval in mm (default=5.0000)


specify displacment search radius in mm (default=3.0000)


specify parameter search object radius in mm (default=40.0000)


specify number of within-group cycles (default=3)


program alignment group

N.B.: <(4dfp) mask> may be “none”
N.B.: I0 should not be named in any programmed alignent group


cross-run motion compensation and averaging of dwi data

Usage: dwi_cross_xalign3d_4dfp <(4dfp) dwi1> <(4dfp) dwi2> <(4dfp) dwin> … <(4dfp) dwi_out>


dwi_cross_xalign3d_4dfp -sgmjo_sub2-dwi1_mskt jo_sub2-dwi1 jo_sub2-dwi2 jo_sub2-dwi_all
dwi_cross_xalign3d_4dfp -sgmjo_sub2-dwi1_mskt -ljo_sub2_dwi.lst jo_sub2-dwi_all



planar (2D; disable cross-slice) alignment


enable wrap addressing


enable cross DWI voxel size adjust (principal axis stretch)


zero negative values in output image


zoom output x y or z dimension by specified factor


use group geometric mean (*_geom) volumes for cross-run registration


append successive runs in output (default average)

-m<(4dfp) mask>

specify first volume mask


specify volume number of I0 counting from 1 (default 1)


specify pre-blur filter half freq (1/mm) (default none)


specify sampling interval in mm (default=5.0000)


specify displacment search radius in mm (default=3.0000)


specify parameter search object radius in mm (default=40.0000)


read input file names from specified file (use before naming output)


output big or little endian (default input endian)

N.B.: option -I (non-default I0 volume) must be matched according to use of option -g


diffusion tensor computation given dwi

Usage: diff_4dfp <prm_file> <file_4dfp> <opt mask_file> <opt CO_file>


diff_4dfp tp7_params.dat /data/emotion/data3/track_sub3/track_sub3_DTI_avg




compute D using nonlinear Levenberg-Marquardt (default log linear LS)


use nonlinear approach to repair bad voxels from log linear LS


estimate non-mobile diffusion term (applies only to Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm)


compute only selected slice for debugging


compute only selected voxel for debugging


ignore bad encoding at specified threshold (units = s.d.) (default=3.0)


ignore encodings with noisy background at specified threshold (default=3.0)


subtract a fraction of S0 image from data (def=0.1), not compatible with B,b


subtract a CO fraction from data using an imported file, not compatible with B,b

-G<int> Correct tbi data, =1 CCIR remove encode 1, =2 SLCH remove encode 10,22



Use external mask included as third input file


compute threshold mask without holes


specify mask threshold as fraction of I0 mode (default=0.1000)


specify minimum I0 mode (default=100.00)

-n<int> specify number of I0 histogram smoothings (default=4)



append specified trailer to output fileroots


print out pixel numbers for debugging


output D tensor


output FA (fractional anisotropy)


output eigenvalues


output [specified number of (default=1)] eigenvectors (principal first)


output prolaticity


output single residue volume for model


output squared residue values for all encodings in a separate file


output extra full LM output files (applies only to LM algorithm) (implies -N)


debug mode, provide extra volume of output as needed


output big or little endian (default input endian)

N.B.: the first data volume must have high SNR from b=0 or low b value
N.B.: optional output volumes are appended to MD and RA
N.B.: output order: MD,RA,(Dxx,Dyy,Dzz,Dxy,Dxz,Dyz),(FA),(E123,RD),(CO),(Res),(Evecs),(Prol)
N.B.: -b and -B are independent but can both be applied
N.B.: -b requires -m and mask dimensions must match image dimensions
N.B.: -B, -b parameter useful range is 1.5 to 3
N.B.: eigenvalue ordering is = Eval1 < Eval2 < Eval3
N.B.: -c produces an franctional constant output CO = C/(C+S0)


dwi \(\rightarrow\) RGB map

Usage: diffRGB_4dfp <prm_file> <file_4dfp>


diffRGB_4dfp -t0.5 -qc1.7 tp7_params.dat /data/DTI_avg



scale intesity by sqrt(Asig) instead of Asig


change color coding to bgr (default rgb)


specify the intensity scale value (default=1.0000)


specify mask threshold as fraction of I0 mode (default=0.1000)


specify t4 file used to transform DWI data


specify minimum I0 mode (default=100.00)


specify number of I0 histogram smoothings (default=4)


input <file_4dfp> is 8 volume diff_4dfp -D output (Dbar, Asigma, D tensor)


output big or little endian (default input endian)

N.B.: <prm_file> is ignored with -D option


dwi \(\rightarrow\) whiskers (visualized in Matlab)

Usage: whisker_4dfp <prm_file> <file_4dfp>


whisker_4dfp tp7_params.dat -dz3 /data/emotion/data3/track_sub3/track_sub3_DTI_avg



specify minimum I0 mode (default=100.00)


specify number of I0 histogram smoothings (default=4)


specify mask threshold as fraction of I0 mode (default=0.1000)


specify t4 file used to transform DWI data


additionally output eigenvalues


output 3 eigenvectors scaled by eigenvalue


specify quiver spacing in pixels (default=1)

N.B.: default output is first two eigenvectors scaled by Asigma