Evaluate and ROI-oriented programs


locate and consolidate maxima to generate ROI

Usage: peak_4dfp <file_4dfp>


peak_4dfp grand_average_222[.4dfp.img] -s10



preblur with hard sphere kernel of specified radius (invokes hsphere_4dfp)


limit initial pos and neg peak list lengths (default=1000)


specify sign inverted curvature thresholds (default none)


specify peak value thresholds (default none)


consolidate extremum pairs closer than specified distance


output a fidl compatible 4dfp format ROI file with regions of specified radius


apply named mask file to output ROIs


specify output ROI minimum voxel count (default = 1)


append specified string to ROI output filename


quiet mode (suppress rec file listing)


force preblur image creation even if hsphere_4dfp result exists (no effect without -s<flt>)


output big or little endian (default input endian)

N.B.: operations controlled by options -s, -n, -c, -v, -d, -o, -m, -N are applied serially in listed order
N.B.: all distances are in mm


report value of image at specified real coordinate

Usage: read_4dfp <flt x0> <flt y0> <flt z0> <4dfp imgroot> [options]


read_4dfp 33.1 -56.2 18. grand_average_222[.4dfp.img]



verbose mode


report maximum and minimum values

Usage: imgmax_4dfp <my_image[.4dfp.img]>



report min as well as max


report max/min values in scientific notation


report root sum of squares


verbose (time series) mode


construct voxel value histogram; evaluate moments

Usage: img_hist_4dfp <(4dfp) image>



specify number of bins (default = 100)


select volume (counting from 1) of 4dfp stack (default analyze all volumes)


specify image intensity threshold


specify histogram range

-m<(4dfp) mask>

mask input using (non-zero voxels of) specified mask (only first frame used)


create <image>.hist file suitable for plotting, e.g., with xmgr


create <image>.dat file suitable for input to numerical procedures


create <image>.xtile percentile listing


create output files in $cwd (default parallel to <(4dfp) image>)


normalize output .hist and .dat distributions to unit area


report moments

N.B.: option -f causes selected volume to be reported in filename of -{hpx} created files


report mean value within 3D ROI

Usage: qnt_4dfp <(4dfp)|(conc) image> <(4dfp) mask>


qnt_4dfp -t23.2 va1234_mpr mask



time series mode


include backwards differences (differentiated signal) in output (requires -f or -F, implies -s)


count only defined (finite, non 0.0, non-NaN, non 1.e-37) <image> voxels


apply threshold test to absolute value of <mask>


interpret <mask> as spatial weights (negative values allowed) (disables mask threshold testing)


count only <image> voxels within specified range


specify frames to count format, e.g., “4x120+4x76+”


read frames-to-count format from specified file


specify mask threshold as percent of <mask> max


specify absolute <mask> threshold (default = 0.0)


scale output mean values by specified constant (default = 1.0)

N.B.: only the first frame of <mask> is used
N.B.: <image> and <mask> may be the same
N.B.: conc files must have extension “conc”


evaluate multiple volumes in multiple ROIs

Usage: qntm_4dfp <(4dfp)|(conc) image> <(4dfp) ROI>


qntm_4dfp TC30274_rmsp_faln_dbnd_xr3d_atl.conc iter10_roi_-02_-37_+27m_ROI



count zero voxels in <image> as defined


force code_by_volume even if the number of volumes is 1


create ROIs/voxel image


write output to specified text file (default stdout)


suppress printing output header

N.B.: conc files must have extension “conc”
N.B.: only defined voxels (not 0.0 and not NaN and not 1.e-37 and finite) are counted
N.B.: <(4dfp) ROI> may either a value-coded single volume ROI image or a multi-volume mask
N.B.: <(4dfp) ROI> coded values are integerized
N.B.: qntm_4dfp ignores <(4dfp) ROI> ifh center and mmppix fields


evaluate multiple volumes in ROI subdivided into cubes

Usage: qntv_4dfp <(4dfp)|(conc) image> <(4dfp) ROI>


qntv_4dfp TC30274_rmsp_faln_dbnd_xr3d_atl.conc iter10_roi_-02_-37_+27m_ROI



include header info in output


print defined voxel counts per die


create die image (voxels >= ncrit)


create die (voxel) coordinate listing


count zero voxels in <image> as defined


select output type (see below)


specify frames-to-count format (default count all frames)


read frames-to-count format from specified file (supersedes option -f)


specify length of die in voxels (default 1)


specify minimum die voxel count (default 1)


specify svd output tolerance - ratio of least to greatest eigenvalue (default 1e-06)


write output to specified text file (default stdout)

-O<int> options


timeseries directly extracted from dice


timeseries extracted from dice with mean removed


die timeseries passed through svd multiplied by eigenvalue


die timeseries passed through svd (unit variance)

N.B.: conc files must have extension “conc”
N.B.: only defined voxels (not 0.0 and not NaN and not 1.e-37 and finite) are counted
N.B.: qntv_4dfp ignores <(4dfp) ROI> ifh center and mmppix fields
N.B.: to obtain a GLM condition number = X specificy sqrt(1/X) as tol with option -t


evaluate multiple volumes using weighted ROI

Usage: qntw_4dfp <(4dfp)|(conc) image> <(4dfp) ROI>


qntw_4dfp TC30274_rmsp_faln_dbnd_xr3d_atl.conc iter10_roi_-02_-37_+27m_ROI



specify ROI weight L-norm (default = 0)


write output to specified text file (default stdout)


count zero voxels in <image> as defined


include heaer info in output

N.B.: conc files must have extension “conc”
N.B.: <(4dfp) ROI> is interpreted as a multi-volume voxel-wise set of weights
N.B.: only defined voxels (not 0.0 and not NaN and not 1.e-37 and finite) are counted
N.B.: qntw_4dfp ignores <(4dfp) ROI> ifh center and mmppix fields


evaluate variance or s.d. about mean over timeseries

Usage: var_4dfp <(4dfp|conc) input>


var_4dfp -sn3 -c10 test_b1_rmsp_dbnd



debug mode


remove mean volume from stack


compute s.d. about mean


compute mean ignoring run boundaries (default within runs)


compute variance about mean (default operation)


output logical and of all defined voxels


specify number of pre-functional frames per run (default = 0)


specify frames to count format, e.g., “4x120+4x76+” (overrides -n)


read format from specified file


scale output image values by specified factor


output undefined voxels as NaN


output undefined voxels as 0


output undefined voxels as 1.e-37 (default)


output big or little endian (default input endian)

N.B.: input conc files must have extension “conc”
N.B.: identically zero input voxels are counted as defined
N.B.: options {-v -s -m -z} are mutually exclusive
N.B.: absent -G voxelwise mean is individually computed over each run in conc
N.B.: -f option overrides -n


evaluate variance or s.d. about mean over differentiated timeseries

Usage: dvar_4dfp [options] <stack_4dfp>


dvar_4dfp -n3 test_b1_rmsp_dbnd -mtest_anat_ave_mskt


-m<(4dfp) mask>

use specified 4dfp mask


specify number of pre-functional (anatomy) frames


specify maskfile threshold (default = 0.0)


specify preblur FWHM in mm (default none)


output sqrt(dvar) (default dvar)


output big or little endian (default input endian)


“burn in” sphere at specified real coordinates

Usage: burn_sphere_4dfp <flt x0> <flt y0> <flt z0> <4dfp imgroot> <4dfp outroot> [options]


burn_sphere_4dfp 33.1 -56.2 18. grand_average_222[.4dfp.img] -v2 -o7.5
burn_sphere_4dfp 33.1 -56.2 18. 222 -v2 -o7.5



superimpose sphere on image (default duplicate input format with zero background)


sum overlapping spheres (default overwrite)


specify burn in value (default=1.0000)


specify sphere radius in mm (default=6.0000) (radius of 0 creates single pixel burn)


read sphere coordinates from specified list (command line coords ignored)


output big or little endian (default input endian)

N.B.: without -a only the input ifh (or standard atlas string) is required
N.B.: specifying <4dfp imgroot> as “333[.n]” “222” or “111” generates standard atlas space output
N.B.: if the 4dfp image does not exist the default output endianness is CPU endian


resolve a set of possibly overlapping ROIs into a disjoint set

Usage: ROI_resolve_4dfp <(4dfp) ROI1> <(4dfp) ROI2> <(4dfp) ROI3> …



read input file names from specified list file


output big or little endian (default CPU endian)

N.B.: output 4dfp fileroots are same as inputs with appended “z”


move ROI coordinates to nearest surface

Usage: imgsurf_4dfp <(4dfp) image> <point_list>

N.B.: <point_list> lists loci in atlas coordinates (X Y Z) in mm


compute image similarity as correlation over space

Usage: spatial_corr_4dfp <image_x> <mask_x> <image_y> <mask_y> [output_text_file]



compute covariance (default correlation)


suppress removal of patial means


scale output covariance matrix values by specified factor

N.B.: image dimensions must match
N.B.: spatial_corr_4dfp counts only defined (not NaN or 1.e-37 or 0.0) voxels


compute volume-pair covariance over space

Usage: spatial_cov_multivol_4dfp <(4dfp) image> <(4dfp) mask>



compute covariance with respect to zero (default wrt image mean)


generate specified number of PCs (default none)


scale text output covariance matrix values by specified factor

N.B.: spatial_cov_multivol_4dfp counts only defined (not NaN or 1.e-37) voxels
N.B.: zero voxels are counted as defined in <(4dfp) image> in cov computation
N.B.: zero voxels are counted as undefined in <(4dfp) image> in <(4dfp) mask>
N.B.: all zero or all undefined <(4dfp) image> volumes are ignored