Filter in time


Independent specification of low and high ends; remove linear trends; remove DC

Usage: bandpass_4dfp <(4dfp|conc) input> <TR_vol>


bandpass_4dfp qst1_b1_rmsp_dbnd_xr3d[.4dfp.img] 2.36 -bl0.01 -ol1 -bh0.15 -oh2



specify low end or high end half frequency in hz


specify low end or high end Butterworth filter order


specify number of pre-functional frames (default = 0)


specify interpolation mode (0 = none; 1 = linear; 2 = cubic spline) (default = 1)


specify frames-to-count format (overrides option -n)


read frames-to-count format from specified file (overrides options -n and -f)


change output filename trailer (default=”_bpss”)


retain DC (constant) component


retain linear trend


code undefined voxels as 1.e-37


disable undefined mask computation


compute gain using correct Butterworth formula (default squared Butterworth gain)


output big or little endian (default input endian)

N.B.: undefined values are zero, NaN, or 1.e-37
N.B.: input conc files must have extension “conc”
N.B.: omitting low end order specification disables high pass component
N.B.: omitting high end order specification disables low pass component