Interconvert image formats


DICOM \(\rightarrow\) 4dfp

Usage: dcm_to_4dfp [-b base] [-d gggg eeee] [-f] [-g] [-u] file(s)

Slice Spacing Options: [-c] [-t <flt> or S or T]

Slice Position Options: [-X] [-Y] [-Z]


dcm_to_4dfp *
dcm_to_4dfp -b ID101 -f -g -u *IMA
dcm_to_4dfp -d 0008 0030 -t 4.98 -g *.dcm
dcm_to_4dfp -b P0089 -t T -g mydir/*


[-b base]

Output base filename follows the -b


Slice Spacing: By Image Position (0020 0032)

[-d gggg eeee]

Divide series by group and element number (Default: ID series time (0008 0031))


Directories will be created, and dicom files will be moved


Add image name, XYZ relative position, and number to rec file


Slice Spacing: Do not compute by Image Position


Rescale: Use the rescale slope and intercept fields

[-t <flt>]

Slice Spacing: Use input value.[-t <flt>]

[-t T]

Slice Spacing: Use Slice Thickness 0018 0050.[-t T]

[-t S]

Slice Spacing: Use Slice Spacing 0018 0088 [-t S]


Output files named using sequence tag 0018 0024 plus number

4dfp Coordinant System is determined by Image Position (0020 0032). Multivolume and BOLD images are ordered by REL Image Number (0020 0013). [-X] Sagittal: image positions will be ordered low to high [-Y] Coronal: image positions will be high to low [-Z] Transverse: image positions will be high to low [-@ <b|l>] output big or little endian (default CPU endian)

N.B.: -t S is the default slice spacing
N.B.: Default slice position is transverse ordered by REL Image Number (0020 0013)


report status and interconvert big \(\leftrightarrow\) little endian

Usage: endian_4dfp <(4dfp) image>



make <(4dfp) image> big, little or CPU endian


perform var(log(fabs(.))) test

N.B.: <(4dfp) image> may be overwritten
N.B.: absent option -@ endian_4dfp only reports state of <(4dfp) image>


4dfp \(\rightarrow\) analyze 7.5

Usage: 4dfptoanalyze <(4dfp) filename>



scale output values by specified factor


output 8 bit unsigned char


include origin and scale in hdr (http:/


output big or little endian (default CPU endian)


analyze 7.5 (int or char) \(\rightarrow\) 4dfp

Usage: analyzeto4dfp <analyze_image>



apply SPM2 ROIScaleFactor


flip first axis


flip second axis


flip third axis


toutput big or little endian (default CPU endian)


supply orientation code (in range [0-5])

N.B.: to convert SPM2 use options -x and -s


create analyze 7.5 header

Usage: ifh2hdr <(4dfp) file>


ifh2hdr vc654_mpr_atl -r-500to1500



set range


dump analyze 7.5 header info

Usage: hdr2txt <analyze_image>


hdr2txt brain_asig[.hdr]


convert atlas indices (ASCII text) to mm (e.g. atlas coordinates)

Usage: index2atl <(4dfp) ifhroot> <index_list_file>


index2atl -af time_BOXzstat_333_t88.4dfp.ifh time_BOXzstat_333_t88_index.lst



input indices use FORTRAN convention (first index=1) (default first index=0)


indices were read under orientation-specific 4dfp<->analyze flips


output coordinates to specified file

N.B.: <(4dfp) ifhroot> corresponds to the 4dfp image from which the indices were read


convert text columns to 4dfp format timeseries

Usage: asciito4dfp <text file> <(4dfp) out>



output big or little endian (default CPU endian)

N.B.: columns in <text file> map to voxels in <(4dfp) out>
N.B.: ‘#’ in <text file> introduce comments
N.B.: <text file> lines beginning with ‘#’ are included in <(4dfp) out>.img.rec


convert microPET images  4dfp

Usage: mpetto4dfp <microPET_data>


mpetto4dfp m1042-cft1_v1



flip x


flip y


flip z


create frame duration listing for use with actmapf_4dfp -w


scale all voxel values by specified factor


name 4dfp output using specified string (default same as input)


output big or little endian (default input endian)


Varian fid/procpar \(\rightarrow\) 4dfp

Usage: vto4dfp <varian file path>


vto4dfp /home/usr/shimonyj/vto4dfp/hard_010703 -odwi_010703



verbose mode


suppress subtraction of k-space DC offset


perform Fourier interpolation; output voxel count will be quadrupled


phase reverse odd echos in multi-echo data


specify 4dfp outroot (default=”fid”)


intensity scale output (mag) image by specified constant


scale voxel dimensions by specified constant


output big or little endian (default CPU endian)

N.B.: vto4dfp expects <varian file path> to contain files “fid” and “procpar”


interconvert nii \(\leftrightarrow\) 4dfp

Usage: nifti_4dfp -<4|n> <infile> <outfile> [options]


nifti_4dfp -n time_BOXzstat_333_t88.4dfp.ifh time_BOXzstat_333_t88.nii


-T <t4 file>

specify a t4 file to use converting TO NIfTI from 4dfp


convert TO NIfTI from 4dfp


convert TO 4dfp from NIfTI


suppress saving of mmppix and center fields in output ifh


specify endianness for output, b or B for big, l or L for little

N.B.: exactly one of -4 or -n must be specified
N.B.: “.4dfp.ifh” or “.nii” are appended to filenames specified without extension
N.B.: option -N has effect only on converting nii->4dfp
N.B.: option -T has effect only on converting 4dfp->nii


interconvert nii.gz \(\leftrightarrow\) 4dfp (nifti_4dfp wrapper)

Usage: niftigz_4dfp -<4|n> <infile> <outfile> [options]


niftigz_4dfp -4 VB18896_mpr_n1_333_t88.nii.gz VB18896_mpr_n1_333_t88

Options (for more options, see nifti_4dfp)


verbose mode


skip specified number of frames at run start on 4dfp->NIfTI coversion

N.B.: niftigz_4dfp always gzips NIfTI output but unzipped NIfTI input is left unchanged