4dfp docs
This website is intended to provide up-to-date documentation on Avi Snyder’s 4dfp suite of tools. Currently, it contains usage information for the tools, as well as explanations of the inputs, outputs, and processing steps for BOLD preprocessing scripts. It is a work in progress, with plans to add more worked examples and detailed documentation of additional scripts in the near future. In addition, we plan to pair it with a searchable community discussion site.
This work was performed by Dr. Avi Snyder, Haley Acevedo and Jon Koller and generously supported by the NIL, NIAC, McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience and the Psychiatry, Radiology, Neurology and Psychological and Brain Sciences Departments at WU.
- Dicom utilities
- fcMRI oriented scripts
- fMRI oriented scripts
- Miscellaneous scripts
- Registration scripts
- Deprecated scripts
- Dicom utilities
- Evaluate and ROI-oriented programs
- Filter in space
- Filter in time
- fMRI oriented programs
- “Format” string manipulation
- GLM and related operations
- Image algebra
- Image segmentation and gain field correction
- Interconvert image formats
- Rearrange voxels in space or time
- Register in space (and other t4 oriented programs)
- SPM-like voxelwise statistical operations
- Threshold and mask